
Showing posts from June, 2021

Ways to have a better conversation

  As writer and radio host Celeste Headlee states,  “there is no reason to learn to show that you’re paying attention if you are, in fact, paying attention.”  Simply, we need to spend less time learning how to  show  people that we are listening and spend more time learning how to  actually listen  to each other and converse effectively. Here are some ways that you can have a better conversation: 1. Don't Multitask  Don’t think about your argument you had with your boss. Don’t think about what you’re going to have for dinner. If you want to get out of the conversation, get out of the conversation but don’t be half in it and half out of it. Be present and be in the moment.  2. Use open ended questions  avoiding very closed-ended questions which could be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”. Instead, “Try asking them things like, ‘What was that like?’ ‘How did that feel?’ Because then they might have to stop for a moment and think about it, and you’re going to get a much more interes

Core value in business

                                                               Core Values Core values  are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organisation. These guiding principles dictate behaviour and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong. Core values also help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals by creating an unwavering guide. There are many examples of core values in the world, depending upon the context. The way a person acts and treats others is impacted by the individual's core values. Others often interpret a person's core values. Core values aren't always personal in nature. Many companies find it helpful to draft a values statement that highlights values the company seeks to follow and expects from its employees. Corporate values can impact business practices as well as the overall organisational culture. Some of the core values that I think is important for a company are: Accountability   eliminates th